Monday, December 3, 2018

How To Win This Holiday Season Online

How To Win This Holiday Season Online

For many small businesses, the holidays are more than just a time for decorations and music. To many businesses, the holiday season represents a significant chunk of their yearly sales revenue.

Just how big of a chunk? According to the National Retail Foundation, 20%-40% of yearly sales for small and mid-size businesses come in the last two months of the year.

Yes, for SMBs and marketers, this is a time to step your game up and crush the holiday season! The best place to do that? Come on, it’s 2018. You know it’s online. The question is, are you ready for the holiday season?

Whether you’re ready or need a place to get started, here’s how to win big this holiday season.

Create A Plan

I know what you’re thinking. It’s late into November, Christmas is right around the corner.

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