In 2018 the social media world had to cope with a couple of setbacks. Major platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ were faced with fake news, spam bots, and data hacking. The disclosure of data leaks, a large-scale misuse of user data and severe data breaches on user privacy have shaken even die-hard social media fans. This is leading to a growing mistrust and an exodus of users. The platforms have also faced a tougher regulation by governments around the world. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram reacted with severe restrictions on third-party apps and introducing new community guidelines and rules for social media tools. Google+ even pronounced to close down its network for private profiles.
The severe restrictions on third-party apps to reduce the impact of automated activities make it also harder for businesses to manage their social media channels. By changing its algorithm, Facebook decreased the visibility of marketing content from business pages, and brands in the Newsfeeds.
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