After you create your content you should spend an ample amount of time promoting it. When getting started with content marketing most people dedicate more time to creating and less time to promoting. But experienced marketers know the importance of content promotion. Some top marketers like Derek Halpern spend as much as 80% of their time promoting and only 20% creating.
Promoting your content will make all the time spent creating it worthwhile. It will also help your content get more traffic and generate more leads and sales.
One way to promote your content is by creating highly shareable images to accompany it. Images drive the highest engagement on networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and can drive a lot of traffic to your site.
So, today I’m going to show you exactly what types of images drive the highest traffic and how to quickly create them…
Choose the platforms:
While promoting your content on social media you should create one unique image for each social network.
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