Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How to Write Facebook Comments That Trigger Positive Feedback

How to Write Facebook Comments That Trigger Positive Feedback

Here’s something you’ll agree on:

Consumers avoid ads. They hate, ignore, and block them. Put it to the latest update of Facebook feed, and it happens that we marketers have to forget about brand communication with consumers in this social network.

Well… not really.

The core factor of marketing success on Facebook is two-way communication. For business pages, it’s crucial to understand how to write Facebook comments so consumers would respond and feel the loyalty of a brand. It makes users find themselves involved in a product development and become brand evangelists to buzz about it.

Why it’s important:

Today, people receive information about brands from social connections. They don’t trust ads but their friends and influencers they follow on Facebook. As a marketer, you need to advocate buzzing about your business; for that, do your best to communicate with the Facebook audience so they could trust you, like you, and talk about you.

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