Wednesday, November 22, 2017

3 Interactive Content Marketing Tools You Need to Use

3 Interactive Content Marketing Tools You Need to Use

Feeling like a content marketing pick-me-up? Need to come up with fresh ideas? Wondering why your audience isn’t interested in your content?

It’s time you started to add some interactive content to your content marketing efforts.

Reading content is great, but getting your audience personally involved in your content is even better. When customers can participate in your marketing efforts, you transform the process from pulling information from reluctant customers to creating an experience where visitors gladly offer you valuable feedback and have fun in the process. You can then use that information to better target your marketing efforts and your audience efforts.

If you’re worried about incurring major costs due to the involvement of designers and programmers, then fear no more. While some of the tools listed below will benefit from the use of designers, many are ones that you can easily do yourself as a small shop and none require deep technical know-how.

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