Friday, August 11, 2017

5 Content Marketing Hacks to Promote Yourself at an Event

5 Content Marketing Hacks to Promote Yourself at an Event

Events provide the perfect opportunity to promote yourself and your offerings. You have a ready-made, targeted audience and a very specific time period during which you can stand out as a knowledge provider and a thought leader. It doesn’t matter whether you are running the event or simply attending – you can’t afford to miss your chance to promote yourself at an event.

Check out the five event-related content marketing hacks below and you’ll have a step up on the competition. Take this advice to heart and you’ll be able to develop a ton of content from a single event. What’s more, you’ll promote yourself from a bystander to a thought leader in one fell swoop.

Pay Attention to Hashtags and Keywords

These days, nearly every event has a hashtag associated with it. Starting a few months before an event begins and continuing for a month or so after the event, that hashtag will be in use, providing you with great conversation starters, a way to virtually meet new people, and the opportunity to share your knowledge.

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