Thursday, June 8, 2017

How to Use Hashtags to Promote Your Business on Twitter

How to Use Hashtags to Promote Your Business on Twitter

Are you stuck in a rut with your Twitter marketing? It may be time to take a step back and look at your use (or lack thereof) of hashtags.

There’s no denying the power of hashtags on Twitter. This image from the Buffer blog sums up quite nicely just how powerful hashtags are:

Twice as much engagement for tweets with hashtags versus those without? That’s a lot!

But if you don’t want to double your engagement or typing a few extra characters seems like too much work, feel free to stop reading now.

Still with me? Perfect! Let’s take a look at 5 ways to use hashtags to boost your Twitter marketing.

Interest Hashtags

Interest hashtags are simply generic hashtags that are topic related. Using these hashtags is a fantastic way to expand your reach past your followers to other users interested in what you’re talking about.

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